Wednesday, August 16, 2017

But wait, there's MORE!

Today was a scheduled visit with the oncologist - a post chemo checkup to see if my white blood cells recovered on their own.  I was there for a port blood draw and visit with the oncologist.  Kelly, my nurse, was taking my vitals and asking me the same questions that she always asks:  What is your level of pain?  What is your level of tiredness?  Have you had any fever or chills?  Do you have any rashes?

Welllll.......yes, actually, I do have a rash.  I pull up my shirt to show her this rash that started on my side.  She stood up immediately and said, "Uh, that looks like shingles!  Let me go get the doctor."  The doctor came back and sure enough, shingles.  I developed a series of 11 little bumps in a small area on the left side of my torso on Saturday.  I had no idea what it was.  It wasn't bothering me too much, although it itches a little and my skin hurts where it is and where it has spread to my back and stomach.  I was immediately put into quarantine.  The were using masks when they were in my little room.  Since shingles is contagious (who knew?!) I should not be around unvaccinated children, babies, elderly, chemo patients, and anyone with a compromised immune system.

Speaking of compromised immune systems - my white blood cell count is just 2.2 (normal range is 4-11), so I am kind of low for being out of chemo for 2 weeks.  It could be because of the shingles virus.  They prescribed an antibiotic that I have to take almost every 2-3 hours.  I will be considered contagious until my rash is crusty.  Almost there.  Also, every muscle in my body feels like it hurts in the last few days and shingles will cause this pain.  Mystery solved.

My red blood cell count is 35, which keeps going up slowly and means that I'm not anemic anymore.

Another blood test was to see if I am in menopause yet.  They like to get a baseline before starting Tamoxifen.  I'm been in a chemo-induced menopause for the past 6 months.  When I am in for-sure menopause, they will have to change Tamoxofen to another drug that is not an estrogen inhibitor.  There is a bunch of science behind all that but I will spare you.

Crazy - shingles - after a hellish 6 months of chemo.  I asked if there is a oncology Bingo board, because I think I must have  won by now!

Other than that, most of my side effects have hung on.  I still can't taste well, I'm tired, and my foot neuropathy is the same.  The only change so far is that my daily nose bleeds have almost stopped.  Yay.

Heading back to oncologist in 4 weeks for more blood tests and the start of the Tamoxifen.  I can't start it until my white blood cell count is normal.  She says that the side effects will be hot flashes and weight gain.  Sweet combo.  Can't wait.

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