Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Fresh new hell

You've already heard me complain about my nails - the ridges, the brittleness, the discoloration, and growing in weird shapes......but now there is fun, new stuff with my nails.

A few days ago, I thought I had banged my fingernail on something because it really hurt.  By yesterday, all my fingernails hurt incredibly bad and now many of them are turning dark purple.  So, of course, I Google.  Turns out that the weeks AFTER chemo with Taxol, your nails shit the bed.

So, every time I touch my nails - which is every minute of every damn day! - they hurt like hell.  Just typing hurts.....and getting dressed, and making a cup of coffee, and brushing my teeth.  Sweet.   And according to Google, I can just hang out and wait for them all to fall off.  Why is this more upsetting than my hair coming out?  No idea.  Oh, and Google also says it will be months - MONTHS! - until my hair follicles decide my body is not a hostile environment and graces me with some weird, gray hairs on my head.  It says not to expect your hair to return to it's former glory.....and since my former hair had no glory, I can only imagine what it's going to look like.

Chemo - the gift that keeps on giving!

I went for an routine check-up at my regular doctor's the other day.  My heart rate is 113.  So, now I have to go back in 6 months to check if I'm still alive.  Hydrating!  That is the answer to everything on this journey.

Today is my usual chemo day.  I miss my nurse and Doritos.  :)

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