Friday, December 22, 2017

Flesh eating disease

So,  I was literally priding myself the other day for not having ANY side effects from the Tamoxifen. I thought I was stronger than the drug!  I have been having very dry and painful skin,  but I knew it was from our move to the new house and my body isn’t used to clorinated water.  That was, until I talked to my friend who is on a drug similiar to Tamoxifen.  She was complaining about her severely dry skin and blaming her cancer drug.  Hmmm......googled and yes - that is a major symptom.  I thought I had a flesh eating disease.  The skin on my thighs actually feels like it is splitting apart and on fire. The palms of my hands are peeling right off.  So is the skin on parts of my face.  Cool.  This is fun. So I am not unscathed by the Tamoxifen.    I have 3 months down and 117 more months to go on this drug.  I will probably look like a mummy by then.

A sadder turn of events is that another co-worker has breast cancer.  Unbelievable for such a small school.  Makes you wonder what the heck is going on.  I can’t get her off my mind.  It’s a long and difficult journey.  She was asking questions like how long I had my tubes in after the surgery and when I could drive again.  I didn’t have the answers.  I have completely blocked these things out of my mind.  I’ve blocked much of the past year.  I’m thankful that I kept this blog.  I took a little trip back and reread.  Wow.

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