Monday, December 4, 2017

Quiet mind - finally!

I have struggled over a year with my mind.  I cannot explain it any other way than to say it has felt the way I envision ADHD mixed with anxiety would feel like.  My brain was buzzing all the time.  For real - it felt like it was buzzing.  I had trouble remembering things, socializing, listening, planning, communicating, staying calm, understanding things.  Chemo definitely made it all a thousand times worse.  It has been only recently that I finally feel my brain calming down.  My thinking is more collected and not jumping all over the place.  I still have a few spots that are difficult for me.  The two big ones are 1) recalling words (super frustrating!) and 2) remembering people’s names (super embarassing!).  It even happens with people I see all the time.  I will be able to recall a first or last name, but not both.  I will also see someone that I know I should know, but I cannot place them!  But, for the most part, my mind has recovered.  And it is QUIET.  And it is such a relief.

I’ve been working on my brain - listening to audio books in the car and reading a little every night.  It is helping.

I’m starting to think a lot about my upcoming surgery in February.  I want to get put back together, but i just don’t want to go through the recovery again.  I still do not know exactly what I want done.  I have decisions to make.  I have my pre-op appointment in January.  I will iron things out at that appointment and hopefully get my expectations set.

But, for has been fun preparing for the holidays.  I did the bare minimum last year.  I don’t remember much of it.  It’s nice being back on track. :)

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