Friday, February 16, 2018

Post-op appointment

Whew, I am one sore puppy!!  I finally took a shower today.  I didn’t take any of my bandages off.  I just couldn’t do it.  I look like a monster - swollen and bruised and bandaged.  Oh course, when I went in, the nurse practitioner says, “Wow, you look great!”  I would hate to see what they think doesn’t look great.

Here’s some weirdness. My “new” nipple was created by cutting my remaining nipple in half and sewing it onto my reconstructed breast.  It will turn black (it has already) and slough off -ewwwwww- and I will be left with a new, pink nipple.  Crazy.

All the areas that they did the liposuction and fat grafting are bruised and painful.  She says I will be in decent pain for a good month.  I stopped taking the oxycodone because it was making me sick.    I’m not allowed to exercise and sweat for a full month.  I am honestly kind of bummed about that.  But, I have pain just standing up I don’t think doing a cobra pose would feel very good.

The spot where my port came out hurts and got really red last night. Dave called the after hours doctor.  They had me take a photo of it and send it to them.  They think it’s just irritated.  She poked around it a lot today and decided that I will live and to just keep on the antibiotics.

I have to remove my bandages on Monday.  Nobody mentioned not working, so I didn’t ask.  I’m going back on Thursday.  I’m sure it will be fine.

Next up:  Another visit with the plastic surgeon in 3 weeks for another check.  Then, I will schedule my appointment to tattoo an areola.  :)

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Surgery done!

Amazingly, I survived yesterday without FOOD!!  My surgery ended up being delayed 1.5 hours and I finally went in at 3:30pm.  Surgery lasted almost 2 hours (but mere minutes for me!!!).  I had lots done:  port removed, nipple and reduction on left breast, augmented right breast with fat grafting, and cosmetic repair of my stomach/sides from the DIEP flat procedure that I had done during the mastectomy.  I was basically dressed and pushed out the door before I was even 100% conscious.  Thankful for Dave getting me home, in bed, and a nice slice of peanut butter toast! :)

I haven’t looked at my body yet.  I probably won’t look at it for 48 hours, when I can take a shower again.  I think I will need to set my expectations low, even though the doc told Dave that I will pleased with the results.

I definitely have a lot more pain than I did for the mastectomy - but I had internal and external pain relief for that procedure.  Right now, Codeine is my best friend.  Feeling SORE is an understatement.  Stupidly, I YouTubed liposuction and fat grafting just now.  Eeeek!

Nobody has told me how long I will need to stay out of work, but Google says 7-10 days.  It says I will be sore for the next couple of weeks.  I plan on going back in 8 days, with or without soreness!!

Next steps:  post-op appointment with the plastic surgeon this Friday - and then tattoo an areola on the left side.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Surgery day

  I had my pre-surgery screening on Friday.  I’m having a laundry list of things done, and they only had a few of them on the list.  Eyeroll.  They felt a little sketchy about that and made a phone call to Dr. Vega’s office.  The woman who was supposed to add the extra surgery items wasn’t there so they left her a post-it note.  Seems legit.

I called yesterday to find out what time my surgery starts.  It starts at 2pm!!!!  OMG, I could have worked a half day!  Sigh.  I have to report to Highland at 12:30.  I’m STARVING.  I’m not allowed to eat anything after midnight last night.  So, I am sitting here watching the food network and pinning recipes on Pinterest.  And my stomach is growling.

I’m a bit gun-shy on this surgery.  I was just beginning to feel okay from this past year.  Yoga has been helping so much.  I still struggle to get off the floor if I sit down with the kids.  It’s shocking.  So, I’m very nervous about regressing on that.

The surgery is supposed to take 2 hours.  I will be coming home the same day.  Got our favorite babysitter all set for picking up the boys and helping with dinner and bedtime tonight.

Heading to the hospital in another hour.  Looking forward to DINNER!!  :D