Wednesday, October 18, 2017


I had my appointment with Pivot Acupuncture today.  They are a husband/wife who do acupuncture, acupressure, and physical therapy.  They have offices in Bergen and the city.  I went to them after the twin pregnancy because I had joint pain in my hands and feet back them.  I stuck with it for a year and it helped a ton.

So, I reconnected today.  The first thing an acupuncturist does is looks at your tongue and takes your pulse.  They can tell a lot by your tongue.  She told me that my "chi" is depleted.  Chi is your life energy flow, if you are into that sort of thing.  Since our health insurance covers acupuncture 100% I will assume it has been proven to work.  Also, if you believe in something, I do think it works for you.  I asked what would deplete my chi.  Duh, it's chemo!  Chinese herbs can increase it.  Acupuncure opens up your chi canals throughout your body, letting your life energy flow more freely.  This can cure or prevent illness.  I had the needles placed, which by the way, doesn't hurt at all when they pierce your skin.  What does hurt is that they kind of twist the needles in further until it hits your chi canal.  For me, when it hits this spot, it feels like a jolt of electricity!  Quite unpleasant.  The needles stay in and you get to lie in a quiet, dark room with meditation music playing.  Usually there is a heat lamp on you to keep you comfortable....but I generally don't want it because I'm typically warm.  I am going to go back 4 weeks in a row and see what progress it brings.  Then, you generally go on a maintenance schedule.

She asked me about my diet.  She mentioned eliminating sugar and fast burning carbs.  I pretended I didn't hear that.  ;)

Sorry if the "chi" stuff makes me sound like a fruit loop.  I'm willing to do anything to get out of this pain.  I'd like to do it without drugs and side effects......I've had enough side effects lately to last a lifetime. I'll go back to crunching on my granola now.  :D

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