Thursday, October 27, 2016

No results

Been waiting allllllllllllll day for my MRI results.  Elizabeth Wende Breast Clinic said that they would send them to my doctor by today.  Many people have shared experiences of EWBC sending them the SAME day to their doctor.  Something is going on between Borg & Ide and EWBC.
EWBC didn't get the mammogram images from B&I in order to write up my MRI report.  B&I had put them on CDs for me and I hand delivered them to EWBC.  Since B&I apparently hates me, I'm assuming I delivered blank CDs.  Pretty pissed does not begin to explain how I'm feeling right now.....

We had an appointment with my gyn and got a lot of questions answered.  We requested a BRCA2 (genetic) test which required me to fill a test tube with spit.  Lovely.  Results in 4 weeks.  We were also easily able to get all the biopsy pathology reports that B&I and ACM refused to give me.  Unbelievable.

So no MRI results and we see our first surgeon at 10:30am tomorrow morning. Dr. Maduros at Rochester General.  She has requested the MRI results for our appointment too.  We'll see....

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