Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Chemo #10

I got a phone call from my favorite nurse (Kelly) this morning saying that my ANC was too low for chemo again (1.5). Since I just got the second Neupogen shot the day before, we hoped that it would kick that number up into a more normal range. I was having seriously crushing bone pain in my spine all morning so I figured that my bone marrow was hard at work making white blood cells.  I loaded up on Motrin to get through the day.  I had to come in a half hour earlier for another blood draw to check and see if we could proceed.

Sad....Kelly was not there this afternoon.  But, I have to say the other two nurses are super great too.  The people there make all the difference.  I love my oncologist, Dr. Kleiner - she is a sweet and thoughtful doctor.   My blood draw was ready in less than 10 minutes and it was 5.3, so we were good to go.  Not as high as last week, but if it means I don't have to postpone chemo, I love it.  So, now I'm set to always receive those 2 shots between chemos, and if it drops lower, I am sure I'll be on deck to get 3 of those shots.

I got my chemo, and I totally fell asleep during it this time because of that Benadryl.....and just general exhaustion that has slowly been creeping up again.

SUPER good news - I LOST 2 lbs this week.  It was starting to freak me out that I was putting on 2 lbs every week.  I think this last hot week beat down my appetite.  I'm toying with the idea of starting yoga or swimming once school is out.  I need to rebuild my stamina.

I also started thinking about my hair growing back.  This Taxol chemo hasn't made any more of my last tufts of hair on my head fall out.  It caused a sweet "Brazilian" (haha) and my eyelashes fell out.  So, I have brought in this army to help with my hair growing back:  Prenatal vitamins, Biotin, an essential oil concoction that I'm going to make as soon as it arrives in the mail, and a special shampoo to help hair grow.  I figure my hair will grow slow because it usually does.  Google says it should grow 1/2 - 1 inch a month.  I'll look like Will and James by Christmastime.  Today was the last day of school with kids, and as the buses pulled away, I put my wig in retirement.  It's going to be scarves from here on out.  The wigs are just unbearably hot for me.  I'll wear them for special occasions that are AIR CONDITIONED!!!!

And before I end, here's the thing about eyelashes that you may or may not know.  They are super important!  Having no eyelashes means that things are constantly getting in my eyes, tears just gush out (not that I cry - ha!), and my eyes look terrible and naked.  I feel like there was one more important thing....but, you know, chemo brain.  It's a real thing - and I hate it.

Just SIX left......

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