Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Chemo #8

And then there were EIGHT!

I'm still anemic with a count of 31.  My white blood cell counts are within normal range at 5.8, due to the 2 Neupogen shots.  Since chemo, I have stratches and all my surgery scars that just will not heal.  I guess this is normal.  There is concern that my blood pressure and heart rate are a bit high.  They wondered if I am dehydrated, but I make it my JOB to drink water while doing chemo.  The nurse took my blood pressure sitting down and standing up and determined that I'm not dehydrated.  I also have that horrible cough and disgusting phlegm since my white blood cell counts dropped last week.  This seriously stumps the oncologists.  They have no answer as to why this happens to me.  It's damn annoying, so I can't wait until it doesn't happen anymore.  I take allergy pills day and night - not sure they help.  Also dealing with crushing bone pain these last two days as the Neupogen makes my bone marrow produce white blood cells. Been taking Advil to keep the pain down.  It probably won't go away anytime soon since I got another injection of it yesterday.

We have 9.5 days left at school with kids and then I can stop wearing my wig.  It is god-awful uncomfortable and when it is hot, I just want to die with it on.  I'm not sure what my hair situation will be in September, but if I can avoid the wigs, I want to.  My aunt sent me a care package with brow wax in it.  Can't wait to try that!  I will need to practice.  I don't want to draw on crazy, surprised or angry eyebrows by mistake!! :D

The doc is going to let me try getting only 1 Neupogen shot this week and see if it holds my white blood cell count in place.  Those are just a pain to try to schedule around school and drive 30 minutes to Brockport for a 1 minute shot.  But, if it keeps me on track to get this shit over with, I'm game.

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