Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Chemo #7

This is my third week on Taxol and it has been a comedy of errors.  I had a blood draw on Tuesday (which I have to do weekly, prior to chemo).  The place was really busy and the nurse was distracted. She stuck the needle in my arm without cleaning the area with an alcohol pad.  Yikes!  Wouldn't that be a hoot if I survive the cancer but a little tiny germ takes me out?!  I checked with the oncologist and she was a bit shocked.  She said to watch closely for a fever and to call them immediately if I have one.

She was concerned about my white blood cells count.  They have been decreasing every week.  An average count should be between 4.5 and 11.0.  Anything below 4.5 is low.  This week, mine are at 1.6.  At 1.5, chemo should be discontinued until the count is back in place.  She agreed to let me do the chemo today, but I have to go back on Friday and Tuesday for Neupogen shots to help boost the white blood cells.  Insurance won't let me do them myself, so I'm going to have to beg out of work about a half hour early to make it for the shots.  They are like the Neulasta (painful side effects- bone and joint pain, headaches, etc.) but smaller doses.  So, maybe the side effects won't be so bad?

My eyebrows are starting to fall out a bit.  I asked about the microblading (tattooing) and she won't give me permission to do so until my white blood cells are high enough to fight infection.  My eyelashes are almost gone too.  Oh, and do you remember that 8 lbs that I originally lost?  I gained all that back plus TWO pounds.  I'm gaining about 2 lbs a week, so I will be about 300 lbs when this is all said and done.  Sweet.

During my chemo, the nurse (who I seriously love!) was trying to get the needle into my chest port.  The port is very small - maybe an inch in diameter?  It sticks out obviously under my skin.  I put numbing cream on the skin so there is no pain with the needle.  Anyway, she pushed the needle in today and asked "Did that go into your port?"  UMMMMM, WHAT?  She tried to get a blood draw on it and there was it didn't go into my port.  I have no idea where it inserted!  She pulled it out and reinserted one correctly. OMG - I did NOT want to know that there's a possibility of missing the port!  This port freaks me out enough as it is!

Anyway, NINE more chemos left to go......

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