Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Hakuna Ma TaTa

On Mother's Day, two amazing friends organized a group of my friends/family to walk in the Breast Cancer walk at Genesee Valley Park in Rochester.  While this was being organized, I was mostly layin on the couch, feeling like dying.  I didn't know if I'd even be able to committ to going to it.  Lately, I cannot committ to things until I am just a day in advance.  If you know me, this is NOT my style.  I'm a planner and an over-planner.  So, while I wanted to say yes to this walk, I didn't know if I'd be able to.

The week prior was my bad week.  I am usually out of work Monday through Thursday of the week and only half alive when I return to work on Friday.  Well, this past Friday, I was not well enough to get to work.  The weekend started out terribly rough too.  Dave was sick with the flu the whole weekend.  I was determined to get to this walk. Sunday morning (Mother's Day), Evan, Will, James, and I drove in.  What a well-organized event!  All breast cancer survivors got bright pink bandanas and all supporters got light pink bandanas.  The people who were walking for me all showed up in shirts with a big pink ribbon that said "Fighting Cancer for Jennifer Weaver".  Let me tell you, it just took my breath away!!  All these people setting aside their own Sunday plans, their own Mother's Day plans.......all to show me how supported and loved I am!!!  There is really nothing like it.  Nothing.

We were the "Hakuna Ma TaTa's" team - which was written on the backs of our shirts.  Friends and family had purchased shirts for my whole family.  There was a LOT of pink in that park!  It was incredible to look out over that sea of pink and spot the bright pink bandanas of the survivors.  Several women stopped and told me their stories and gave me strength to know that this too shall pass.  It's just a chapter, not the whole story.  It was incredibly inspiring.  We had a beautiful walk - with the weather cooperating - all along the Genesee River.  We saw a woman's crew team all dressed in pink on the river.  There were bands and drummers along the way.  We got to walk and talk and it was such a good time!  The boys walked 2.6 miles, along with their cousins and friends and there was never a whimper!  I honestly cannot think of a better day that I've had in a long time!  And coming after such a terrible week, it just made me feel so alive!

I am a lucky girl to have such caring friends and family.  Nothing more to add. XOXO

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