Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Chemo #5

Eleven more to go....

I have such a horrible association with going to chemo that I actually threw up in the car on the way there today.  My heart races and sometimes my blood pressure goes a little high.  I have so much anxiety about getting chemo, but I think it's because that last drug was so rough and caused such bad symptoms.  It was hard to go there and know that was going to happen.  I really hope this course is different.

I met with the oncologist about this new drug.  She says the nausea should not be as bad and that the exhaustion will lighten up a bit. This will make all my body hair come a free Brazilian and I might have to consider getting my eyebrows tattooed on afterall.   I have anemia (low iron) still.  They are somewhat worried about my cough - but none of my doctors really know what to do about it.  The neuropathy shouldn't start until about my fifth treatment of this new drug. This drug also has a history of causing severe allergic reactions.  So, while the IV was running, the nurse had to sit and watch me for the first fifteen minutes.  They also give Benadryl in the pre-meds just in case. I didn't have any reactions.  However the Bendryl  made me incredibly sleepy and I fell asleep for a half hour when I got home.

It's my bedtime (sadly, I crawl into bed at 8:00pm each night due to exhaustion) and I am not feeling nausea - which I usually do by this time.  That is a good sign.  I will know by Friday/Saturday/Sunday if things are going to be rough.  Fingers crossed that they aren't.

Next treatment is next Wednesday - on a weekly treatment plan now, so the pace will pick up!

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