Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Chemo #4 and new home owners!!!!

Today was chemo #4 and the LAST of the dreaded A-C cocktail that has been making life really rough for me.  It was hard going in there today.  I know now that next week will be hell.  It wasn't a fluke the last two times.  It is going to happen.  I am probably going to miss work next week.  I will probably be too sick to take the boys to soccer and t-ball next week.  My appetite will go away and this cough and runny nose will return.  I will rarely get off the couch.  Exhaustion will be overwhelming.  They noted today that some of my exhaustion could be anemia - since my iron is low right now.

My next chemo regiment will be the Taxol and I have officially made the decision to take it in 12 weekly doses rather than 4 huge doses. If I can stay on track with that, I will get my last one the first week in August.  And that will be a day to celebrate!  Also, if this new drug doesn't make me as sick, I won't be missing as much school.  The treatments are just an hour long.  Therefore, I really should only miss 1/2 day of work a week.  That will be awesome if I can get to that point.

I ended up going in for another echocardiogram yesterday.  Dave is so completely stressed about my heart that it is making me stressed about my heart.  One thing that would indicate heart failure is swelling in my feet/legs.  My feet swelled a little at work on Friday.  Most likely from the steroids and all the salty food I eat now - since I can sometimes almost taste salty food.  The echo showed no changes in my heart.  But, they reminded me that the heart trouble can come later.  Sweet.  I didn't want to walk out of there without something to worry about.

House update:  We got the house!!!  Closing is supposed to be June 30th.  I'm going to be a city girl!!!  I'm excited but also so sad to leave the amazing house we live in now.  I've been here 26 years.   I will miss this gorgeous house that is on the National Historic Registry and my beloved hip-roof barn and all my gardens.  I need to tuck all that away into my heart.  It is time for us to move on into a place with more room.  The new house is enormous and has 1.13 acres in Brighton.  That is a huge piece of land for that area.  As soon as I get through next week, I plan on getting SUPER EXCITED about our move!!!  Until then, we have a lot to do in order to get this sweet place on the market.

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