Monday, April 24, 2017

Another crappy week and some decisions to make.....

I get about 6 good days leading up to chemo.......and then the treatment puts me into a huge slump.  That's where I am now.  I'm exhausted and coughing so badly that I cannot go to work.  Laying here on the couch, looking at all the things I wish I could get done.  I called the oncologist.  They believe that I'm coughing because they give me a huge load of steroids on chemo day and I'm basically in withdrawal?  She is calling my primary to see if they can put me on steroids.....which I kind of don't want.....but I also don't want this severe cough.

Decisions - I have one more treatment of the A-C chemo regiment.  Then, I am supposed to have 4 treatments of Taxol. I think it's Taxol - I'll tell you, this "chemo brain" thing is real.  I am having a lot of issues recalling words, typing correctly, and remembering things.  Kind of scary.  Anyway, during my last visit, the oncologist and three nurses put some huge fears into me about this next round of treatment.  One of the biggest side effects is neuropathy - which is weakness, numbness, and pain from nerve damage which will occur in my fingers and feet.  Taking the short term, high doses of Taxol will bring on these side effects and it can cause permanent damage.  One lady they are treating right now cannot walk due to her neuropathy!!  They are really steering me into taking the Taxol in 12 weekly doses, which will elongate my treatment by 1 more month.  The upside is that the side effects shouldn't be as bad and I shouldn't need the Neulasta injection during it.  I am highly considering doing it in the 12 doses now.  See?  I told you I would change my mind when I was in the bowels of hell this week!

I would really like to avoid this bi-weekly slump.  It is getting worse and worse as I go along.  I hate missing work.  I have so much I want to do in the gardens and yard.  The boys are turning 5 in a few weeks and I would really love to have a birthday party for them.  And, also on the horizon is the fact that we did end up putting a purchase offer in on that house in Brighton.  Exciting times.  We've had a couple go arounds with counter offers and put in our final offer last night.  Not sure what will happen, but if we were to get the house, we'd be closing on August 1st.  What a way to ring in the end of chemo!  Stay tuned for the results on that one......

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