Monday, April 10, 2017

Rough shape

I have been mildly fighting a sinus infection for a month.  It comes and goes with my white blood cell count.  Since the last treatment, I've had a particularly rough time with fatigue and within hours my pink eye and upgraded sinus infection returned.  Last night was the longest night ever.  I couldn't lay down.  I couldn't breath.

When it was finally 8:30am,  I called and asked for an antibiotic and ran to get it this morning.  I have not been off the couch since Friday.  This is spring break and the temperature is 72 degrees.  It is glorious outside and here I am.  All I want is to get out into my gardens and start my spring cleaning.  Not happening. I just sit here in agony watching all the stuff I wish I could do.  I do hope that I wouldn't normally be in this bad of condition and it has everything to do with having this infection.

Sadly, the only things that taste "good".....and I use that term loosely......are McDonald's cheeseburgers, fries, and Coke.  If you know me, you know that I haven't eaten that disgusting stuff in decades.  So, my diet sucks.  Which directly impacts my kids' diet.  I hate that.  I don't even have the strength to care.

Today, on this beautiful day, we sit inside.  I'm still on the couch.  The boys are watching TV and eating Pez.  Yep, that's what we've been reduced to.  Sad.

Seriously hoping these antibiotics kick in fast and the weekend of Easter I'm in good shape.  And that my kids' brains and teeth don't rot out during the next 3 months of my chemo......

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