Thursday, April 20, 2017

Chemo #3

Chemo #3 is in the bag.  Now that I've been through 2 complete cycles, it is good to know my pattern of when I'll feel good, bad, and ugly throughout.  I felt pretty decent, with only mild nausea on the day of the chemo.  Usually my next day (today) is the best - but I was a bit nauseous all day.  Bummer.  Not following the pattern.

I had a substitute oncologist this time.  I told him about the pink eye and my terrible allergies.  He explained that I probably didn't have pink eye.  All rapidly growing cells in my body are being killed by the chemo:  hair cells, gut cells, and tear duct cells.  So, my eyes water all the time, my nose is working over time on making clear snot, and my gut is killing me with all kinds of issues.  None of them fun.

He also told me I'm taking a harsh treatment.  At first he said he wasn't sure if he would have gone that route, but in the end praised me for doing it and sticking with it.  He encouraged me to get excercise.  Right.  I think working and having two 4 year olds is getting me enough exercise.  He also encourages me to take the last round of chemo in 12 weeks rather than 4 weeks.  That would add another month of treatment.  He believes it would reduce my treatment symptoms by 25%.  I just want this over and I am leaning toward just doing it the harsh way for 4 times, rather than the 12.   I say this on my "good" day, maybe I'll have a different thought as I progress through this next hellish week.

My weight is down about 8 pounds total.  The week after chemo is hard for me to eat.  I have no appetite.  I can't smell and everything tastes just terrible.  I have terrible heartburn.  I force myself to drink protein shakes when I can't eat a meal.  Looking at Pinterest recipes isn't even fun anymore.  That's a sad day when looking at Pinterest doesn't make me happy.

At school, they have hired a sub who is able to cover me any day I can't come in or if I have to leave half day.  This brought me so much relief!  I'm in the middle of training her.  This takes huge pressure off me and really allows me to take days without worrying.  I feel very supported at work, that's for sure!

And to make things just a tad crazier, Dave and I found a house in Brighton that we both actually like.  Perhaps making a purchase offer.  I love the house!!  But, I'm so beat down with sickness, that I'm willing to think if it's meant to be, it will be.  And if not, that's fine too.  But it is the first house that we both have liked - and it seems kind of perfect.  We'll see.

Tomorrow is the Neulasta injection.  That is worse than the chemo. It's the most painful shot and brings with it all the painful symptoms:  migraine, bone pain, runny eyes and nose.....ugh.

But, if I stay to course - only 5 more treatments left!!!!

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