Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Chemo #9

This is my fifth week of Taxol.  That's when the "honeymoon" is supposed to end.  Since it accumulates, the oncologist warned me that by this week I will start to see more symptoms.  I have definitely been more tired.  I can barely make it up the three flights of stairs to my room at school. I wake up and I'm exhausted.  I am also dealing with the awful coughing and yellow mucus that continues to stump everyone.   But, I still do not have neuropathy in my fingers and feet, so that is good.

When I saw the oncologist today, she said my ANC blood count was 1.2 and they cannot do chemo if it is below 1.5.  I can't remember what ANC stands for, but it has something to do with my white blood cells making more white blood cells.   Sooooo........there I was - took half a sick day and Dave flew back at midnight last night - and she was saying no chemo.  Then, she said I could do another blood test to see if the shot I got yesterday helped get the number up.  Since I had just had blood work yesterday, I doubted it would go up (and so did the nurses).  I had the blood draw through my port again - which I HATE - because I feel incredibly funny (like light headed and my heart rushes) when they suck the blood right out of my heart.  In fact, I get so stressed that they cannot get blood FROM MY HEART until I relax and do deep breathing.  It's all in my head.  Anyhoo - we waited about 20 minutes and the ANC blood count came back at a 8.4!!!  Wow, what a jump!  I respond well to the Neupogen shots.....which, by the way, I have to get TWICE between chemos, so I am constantly running to the oncologist's office.  When she saw my first ANC number, she recommended that I get THREE shots (one of which I would have to go all the way out to Unity for because Batavia and Brockport aren't open on Thursdays).......but when she saw my new number, she said two would be enough.

My anemia is at 29, low but not low enough for a transfusion, which I would like to avoid!  My white blood cell count was at 2.4 (very low) but raised to 8.4 with second blood draw (normal range). I gained 1.2 lbs - which is better than the 2+ lbs I had been gaining for the last six weeks.  I celebrated by eating my way through Doritos, granola bars, and gummy bears, while I did the chemo.  So, I'll just plan on 2+ lbs again next week.  I cannot control my eating.  I blame the steroids.  And the fact that I can't taste things so I'm constantly trying to eat and see if I can taste different foods......and I never feel satiated.   Good news, when I go on Tamoxifin after chemo, one of the common side effects is weight loss.  Cool.

I got permission from the doc to start taking Biotin and pre-natal vitamins - which could help my hair grow back.  My hairstylist also recommends tea tree essential oils.  I bought Rogaine, but have been warned that if I use it and then stop using it, my hair will fall out again.  Nope.  Sending it back.

So, I got my ninth chemo.  Seven more left.  Still on schedule to end the first week of August.

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