Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Chemo #12 and an allergic reaction

I keep getting more and more nervous that they are going to stall my chemo and I am SO close to the end!  I am still having foot numbness on the left side, but it hasn't gotten any worse.  My ANC was sort of low.  Usually it spikes up high a day after my Neupogen injection, but I had to have my shot on Monday instead of Tuesday due to the Fourth of July.  Therefore, my number was a 2 instead of 5+.  We had gone for a hike in the woods the day before and my skin was very bumpy - like I was allergic to something.  The oncologist thought it could be sun poisoning or contact dermatitis - because my body is basically in battle mode and fighting against everything.

The substitute oncologist let me proceed with chemo.  I was relieved.  I got my pre-meds of the steroids and Benadryl.  Then they started me on the Taxol, which lasts an hour.  Within 4 minutes of starting the Taxol, I felt a serious anxiety in my chest and was starting to freak out because I thought I was imagining that it was becoming hard to breath.  I thought it was all in my head and I was having an anxiety attack by over-thinking it.  Then I felt like my whole body was having a hot flash.  Dave offered to go the nurses' station and let them know.  When he and a handful of nurses came out, I could tell by their faces that something bad was happening.  They said I was seriously red.  Dave said I looked the blueberry girl on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  Sadly, he did not take my picture.  They immediately turned off the IV pump and called the doctor in.  By the time he walked in, I had a rash on my neck, back, arms, and hands.  They gave me more steroids and benadryl by IV.  The nurse was poised and ready with an epi-pen.  I came out of it and felt better within 3-5 minutes.  And very, very tired from a LOT of Benadryl!

The doctor recommended waiting 10 minutes and trying to restart the Taxol with a nurse sitting by me for a good 15 minutes.  I'll tell you, I was terrified about restarting it because I didn't want to feel like that again!  She restarted it and I did fine and was able to finish the whole course.  Thankfully she kept me distracted and chatting during that time.   The doctor says that there is a chance of me having anaphylactic shock with my future Taxol treatments, but the chance is very low.  The benefit of not dying from breast cancer is worth the risk of potentially dying from anaphylactic shock.  Cool. So far the mastectomy and chemo have been full of fun and entertaining things.

My weight was up 2 lbs this week.  Boo hoo.  It was all the awesome food from a graduation party and Fourth of July picnic.  And a couple of beers.  Shhhh.

FOUR more to go and I plan on sticking to this schedule so I can finish the first week in August!!

1 comment:

  1. The battle can't always be easy, but you are putting up a good fight!
    Glad you are doing well.
