Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Chemo #15

This port has saved me a lot of grief and pain.

Blood labs are drawn through the port too.
Oh boy, where do I start on this week?

We moved from Bergen to Brighton this weekend.   I had been slowly packing throughout the month, but none of the kitchen, books, cabinets, drawers, etc. had been packed.  I have been so tired.  I saved it all for Thursday and Friday.  I got some done on Thursday, but not nearly enough.  On Friday, my last day to pack, Dave went to Rochester to work all day.  Evan was working too.  I had the boys. It was 85 degrees.  We do not have air-conditioning.  I was beat, but I could not stop packing because the moving crew was arriving Saturday at 8am.  Six guys and 2 trucks - I knew it would move pretty fast.  It was physically a bit too much for me.  I would try to sit for 10 minutes to cool down every couple of hours.  My heart was definitely racing and I was overheating.  At one point I texted Dave and whined about it.  Then I left my phone on the couch and went back to packing.  Apparently he freaked out - trying to call me and couldn't reach me.  My Dad came zipping into the driveway and came into the house asking if I was okay. Dave had called a damn ambulance when he couldn't reach me!!!  O M G.  I called him and forced him to cancel it.  My Dad and Virginia stayed and helped me pack all the books. That was a big help.  They also stayed and visited for an hour, which forced me to sit still.  That was a big help, as well.

Saturday was a long and tough day that started at 8am and ended after 9pm.  Two trucks and they still have to send another truck back on Thursday because they underestimated the job.  Those guys worked their asses off and it was hot!  I am in total love with the new house and neighborhood.  Unpacking is a bit easier than packing and it is moving along nicely.  The air-conditioning is a blessing for me!

During the week, I got my 2 Neupogen shots.  I was having a lot more numbness in my left foot, which has spread to the ball of my foot and through all my toes.  It is much worse at night and early in the morning.  I still haven't had any falls or trips, but I am unable to walk barefoot because I cannot sense the floor very good.  I had blood labs done early this morning and my ANC was at a 5, normal range.  The oncologist is leery about my numbness.  She does not want to go too far and cause permanent neuropathy.  She says if I can get through 90% of the chemos, I should be good.  So, with today's chemo, I've completed 90% - 4/4 of the AC and 11/12 of the Taxol.  She told me if the numbness gets any worse this week, that today was my LAST CHEMO.  If things stay okay, I'll complete number 12 of the Taxol and that will be my last one.  Things went well today.  The Benadryl really kicked in.  I fell asleep during treatment, in the car, and again when we got home. The steroids will probably keep me up throughout the night, but I'm hoping for the best.

My heart rate was a "low" 97 today.  I thought it would be higher with the move and because Dave and I have a different opinion on how to do damn near everything.  I'm such an OCD person and he is not.  We arrived 15 minutes late to the appointment today because.....well.....Dave.  So, I was pretty amazed my heart rate wasn't like 289!!! Haha!  If Dave and the move don't kill me, there's no way cancer will!!! :D

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