Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Chemo #14

I had my ANC levels checked first thing in the morning and it was 12!  I didn't expect it to jump that high overnight.  The doc says that she wants me back on the 2 Neupogen shots in between chemos.  No issues with chemo today.  She administered the Benadryl a bit slower today and it didn't feel like I got hit with a tranquilizer dart!

My side effects have definitely been ramping up since June.  I'm exhausted all the time now.  My left foot numbness happens daily and has spread to the bottom of my foot a bit.  I'm getting bloody noses.  I think I have my first mouth sore.  I'm not sleeping well, even with my Unisom.  My skin is getting incredibly dry and if I touch plants/trees, I get rashes.  I used to lose my sense of taste for just a few days and now I never regain it back in between treatments.  It doesn't just make things taste funny, it makes things taste extremely foul - especially things with sugar. My tongue is dry and my teeth have been hurting.  My weight dropped another pound this week - 157 lbs now....almost back to where I want to be at 155.  My heart rate was at a new, alarming high: 116 - eeeek!

We move this weekend and I haven't really started packing.  I'm almost too tired to care and if you know me, you know that this means I'm extremely beat down.

JUST TWO MORE!!!!!!!  It doesn't seem possible!!!

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