Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Moving forward

Dave and I had a conference call with the plastic surgeon from Cleveland Clinic this morning.  Since the Rochester plastic surgeon has a completely different idea on the reconstruction surgeries, Dave set up a chance for us to have one more go-around of questions.  It really comes down to the fact that Cleveland Clinic really believes their way is best and Dr. Vega really believes that his way is best.  Both can support their claims. When we got off the phone, we talked....Dave paced.....and we decided to go forward Dr. Vega and hope like hell that I don't need radiation.  The need for radiation can only be determined a week after lymph node biopsies that are collected during the actual surgery.

Dave always tells me "hope is not a strategy", but it is going to be MY strategy this time.

He also tries to adjust my OCD personality with his favorite formula:  Happiness equals Reality minus Expectations.  He is always trying to lower my expectations.  My head knows he is right.  My heart does not.

So, I made a phone call to the surgical scheduler.  They have to try to find a date that works for Dr. Vega and Dr. Hetland....and find an operating room that is free for 8-10 hours.  I figure it will take them a couple of days to figure this out.  At this point, I do hope it is after Christmas.

In the meantime, I am so happy to be planning and moving forward again.  Back to just being nervous about my long recovery......and freaked out by the fact that I have breast cancer and getting a mastectomy.

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