Sunday, September 17, 2017


I saw the rheumatologist on Friday afternoon.  And just like I thought, he can see no reason for my joint pain.  They had run a bunch of blood tests to check for lupus, thyroid problems, inflammation, etc.  Everything was in the normal limits except my vitamin D was low - like all New Yorkers!  I do want to do some research on low vitamin D and joint pain.  My brother mentioned that there may be a correlation.

Anyway, the doctor asked a lot of questions and looked things up on the internet while I was there.  Because he couldn't find a reason for my pain, he wondered if the chemo drugs could cause joint pain.  He looked up Taxol and it says that 60% of people who took Taxol have joint pain.  I asked him if it was permanent and he didn't have an answer.  He recommends I go back to my oncologist and ask her. I go back to her in 2 weeks.

I asked about doing accupuncture for the pain.  After I had the boys, I had joint pain in my hands and feet.  I did accupuncture for about a year and felt that it helped.  Whether it helped for real or just helped me mentally....either way, it helped!  He said accupuncture cannot hurt.  I probably need to go that route.  I do not see this going away on it's own.  His recommendation is to take Advil or Aleve in max doses before bed.  I tried Advil last night and had a little bit of relief, but not through the whole night.  I took 2 Aleve tonight and am curious to see if that helps.

Plugging on......

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