Thursday, September 28, 2017

Pain level 8 (and I'm conservative!)

I saw the oncologist yesterday.  They hoped my joint pain would have resolved itself by now.  It hasn't, and I would venture to say it is worse.  It sounds like I am being dramatic saying I cannot walk, grasp things, and get up from sitting - but that is the truth. I am slowly becoming crippled.  I am still functioning during the day, but I would say my pain level is a 3-4 all day long.  By 4pm, I start the decline until I am in full pain by 8pm.  The oncologist says that joint pain is common during the Taxol chemo, but it only happens during the treatment - not after it is finished. They cannot explain it.  The only other thing they can think of is to send me to a neurologist for a nerve conduction test.  I don't know what that entails, but it doesn't sound like I would like it!  They need me to start the Tamoxofen - like NOW - so we can't really drag this out to resolve this pain right now.  They offered me a drug (Gabapentin) that might help my pain IF it is nerve-related.  I am 99% sure this is not nerve related pain. The drug also works to reduce hot flashes.  My hot flashes have gotten so bad that my glasses actually fog up!  Soon, someone will find a pile of my ashes with my shoes - because I will have spontaneously combusted! Anyway, back to this drug - it used to be a seizure medication, but doesn't work good for that....but they determined that it does help nerve pain and hot flashes.  She cautioned that it will make me very sleepy and it will also lower my blood pressure - so when I am laying down, I have to sit up slowly so I don't pass out.  Sounds like an evil drug, but I am in so much pain, I am willing to try it.

That was, until I saw my chiropractor today.  I ran it by her and she said "If it is Gabapentin, I would NOT take that.  At least do some research before you do.  It is addictive, messes with your head, and can cause anxiety."  EEEeek!  She recommends that I continue to resolve my pain holistically - I am thinking chiro, acupuncture, diet, stretching, sleeping - and use medicinal marijuana for the pain.  It is natural and has no side effects.  So, I am back to looking into that.  Is is covered?  How does it work?  Does my doctor have her license to prescribe it?

Oh, one more thing about the oncologist.  I always have to tell them if I have any rashes or unusual symtoms.  I started feeling a ton of tiny bumps all over my arms.  It feels like a rash, but they aren't red or itchy.  I made her feel them.  She humored me, but said it was just my hair follicles starting to produce arm hairs again. Ha!  My eyelashes have all sprouted.  My eyebrows have started growing in, but just mostly just the inside parts, so it looks like I have a surprised expression all the time!  My hair is about 1 cm long all over.  Slow and steady....

I'm laying in bed now.  I just took a Gabapentin pill.  I might as well see if it does anything.  I'll give it a week.  I'm nervous - but I'm also desperate.

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