Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Pathology report and more questions

Dr. Hetland just called with the pathology report.  My lymph nodes all tested negative.  All of my margins are clean.  They found 5 tumors measuring:  1.8 cm, 1.5 cm, 1.0 cm, 1.1 cm, 4mm.  This means that they found 2 more tumors that sonogram and MRI did not pick up.  Staging is based on the largest tumor, so I am at a stage 1 for breast cancer.  The next step is meeting with an oncologist.  They will make the decision, perhaps with the consult of a radiation therapist, whether or not I need radiation.  It sounds like they wouldn't normally recommend radiation for a tumor at stage 1 with clean margins, but the concern is that there are several tumors.

She will forward my pathology to an oncologist in Batavia and now I am back to the waiting game as they will call and set up an appointment with me at some time in the future.

Two more appointments in the near future:  Feb 13 post surgery appointment with Dr. Hetland and Feb 14 a follow up appointment with Dr. Vega.

Dave is full of angst, thinking we need several different opinions on whether I need radiation based on these results.  Here we go again.....

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