Tuesday, January 31, 2017


I went to the plastic surgeon again today.  She did the good ol' breast massage and then pulled the last drainage tube from it!  What a giant relief!!!!!  I am still supposed to lay low and heal.  While I'm doing that, I am going to be reducing all my pain meds, working on range of motion with my left arm (just raising it to shoulder level), and I have permission to sleep in BED again (as long as I stay folded up in a jack-knife position so I don't pull out my overstretched abdominal stitches)!!!!

Reducing the meds is making Dave anxious.  He thinks the pain drugs make me more manageable and compliant.  He is also a fan of pain meds.  I am not.  I'm reducing them quite a bit to his dismay.  He will probably try to sneak me in for a frontal lobotomy while I'm  asleep.

Still waiting on the pathology reports from the surgery.  They should be calling me this week with the results.  Slightly anxious about that.  Next step after that is meeting with an oncologist to determine treatment plan.

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