Tuesday, January 24, 2017

I Don't Give a Shit.....

Literally.  Nope, not even after high fiber meals, milk of magnesia, Fibercon, Miralax, and lots of water.  Just saw the doctor today and they added Ducolax and Magnesium Citrate to the list.  They say this is a common side effect from taking narcotics.  I'll let you know how it all comes out...jk, that was a pun! Don't look for an update on that.

I was dreading this appointment with the nurse today because they told me to take all my pain meds to the maximum dosages before the appointment because they would have to massage my breast.  Massage my breast.....doesn't that sound lovely and inviting?  Yeah, no. One of my drainage tubes comes out of my breast and they wrung my breast out like a car-wash sponge.  Just making sure all the liquids are draining and not forming a pocket anywhere. Horrifying.

Then the nurse came back in the room with her personal iPhone.

Nurse:  I'm going to take some pictures of your breast and abdomen
Me:  Okay, just don't tag me in them.
Nurse:  .....
Me:  .......
Nurse:  Oh, haha, no, these are just for the doctor!

So, I am restricted to sleeping in the easy chair because I am not allowed to lay down for 2-3 weeks for fear that I will stretch or rip my abdominal stitches. All my steri-strips were peeled off and reapplied, my breast went to the horror spa for a massage, and all my tube openings got a good wash down with hydrogen peroxide (which I'm supposed to do daily from now on).

And every time the doctors or nurses look at my bruised and swollen Frankenstein body they all exclaim "Wow, that looks GREAT!!"  I would hate to see what they see that is 'not great'.  There cannot be a bigger nightmare than what I see on my body currently!!

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