Monday, January 23, 2017

Day one of couch prison

I slept in the easy chair in the living room with a million pillows last night.   I generally cannot sleep sitting up, but there is no way to lay down yet.  Thankfully the drugs help me sleep in basically any position.  My migraine still shines through whenever I am due for my meds again.  The meds and an anti-nausea pill usually bury the headache pain.

The surgeon called and switched my post-op appointment to tomorrow.  They told me to make sure I have good pain meds prior to that appointment because they will be poking around and massaging the new tissue. That completely freaks me out just thinking about it.

Dave did amazing getting the boys up and ready for the school bus, keeping me on my meds schedule, keeping the house tidied up, getting my tubes and drains clear and measured, and even getting a little of his own work done.  It all makes me feel much more relaxed and focused on my own needs.

My sister-in-law came over this morning and checked all my bandages and removed the ones that could be removed.  She's a nurse and going above and beyond her SIL duties!!  She brought over shampoo kits that you can microwave and put on your head and scrub.  They wash, condition, and rinse your hair - way better than dry shampoo!!  Then she got me into the shower and washed me up. I'm having a hard time just looking at my stitches, etc and she was a real sweetheart about this all!  I  am very gruesome looking right now!  But, since the shower and getting my hair blown out, I feel SO much better!  I'm comfortable getting up each hour and taking a hunched over walk through the house carrying all my tubes and drains.  It tires me out, but that feels good too!

My friends from work stopped over with the first meal of the meal train that they organized at school for me.  They stayed and visited and kept my mind off my pain for a while with their stories and laughter.   I am still overwhelmed by the outpouring of compassion from everyone in my life.  How did I get so lucky to have so many people willing to go out of their way and support me like this?

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