Friday, January 27, 2017

Better day!

My visiting nurse solved my previous problem by having me slug a giant bottle of magnesium citrate.    All I'll say is that it was a long, damn night!  Managing all my drainage tubes, while going through 100 trips to the restroom - is a night I'd like to forget.

We went to our second post-surgery appointment at Dr. Vega's office.  I am on day 8 since the surgery.  I am getting around pretty good, even though they won't let me stand up straight or lay flat in a bed - for fear of ripping out my very tight abdominal stitches.  She did the horrid breast massage to try to move the collected fluid out of the drainage tube.  She was able to pull out my 2 abdominal drainage tubes, leaving just the one coming out of my breast.  I was worried about how their removal would feel, but it wasn't bad.  Now I have 2 big holes that just need bandages.  She said I will feel like moving around more now that I don't have those tubes to hinder me and warned me that she still doesn't want me off the couch.

Dave asked, again, about the strange 2 inch stitching that is on top of my breast.  It's weird.  He says the plastic surgeon told him after surgery that it looked like a "cigarette burn" and tried his best to repair it.  So, now I just envision my surgeon doing my surgery with a cigarette hanging out of her mouth.  Haha.  Dave does not think it's funny.  He will ask about it, but in the end, it is done and there is nothing we can do about it.

I am at the point where I can decrease my narcotics.  I'd like to drop back to half my dosage.  Dave would like me to stay all drugged and happy.  He says I'm easier to manage like that.  I'm not as argumentive and I don't ask questions. :). I'm decreasing it anyway. I don't want to make things too easy on him.

My friend has arranged a meal train for us for the first 3 weeks.  At first, I didn't think we would need that.  Boy, was I wrong!  I am tired with just a small walk.  It has been a life-saver having good food delivered!!  I never have to think about what to feed everyone and I get to eat healthy meals during my recovery.  We are getting a meal every other day and have wonderful leftovers for lunches and the next day.  So incredibly thankful!!!!

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