Thursday, February 23, 2017

Plan B

The Interlakes Oncology office manager contacted us to find out what happened yesterday.  There was concern that Dave was yelling at the doctor on the phone.  She wanted to find out what the disconnect was.  I told the story.  Today, Dave called her and told the story again.  It was resolved by switching me to a new oncologist in Brockport.  I have an appointment with her on Wednesday, March 1st.

Dave will be calling the lab in California this afternoon to make sure the rest of the tissue samples showed up.  They will perform the oncotype and mail us the results.

Dave rescheduled the appointment for Sloan Kettering. That will happen on March 9th.  I'm rearranging childcare and my sub for that date.

I called my doctor back to make sure they were able to rewrite and fax my back-to-work note.  They sent it yesterday.  I have asked the school to contact me when they receive it.  They have not.  Not sure what is up their sleeve this time.   I emailed the superintendent today with a new question:  If she considers working half days to be a restriction and is forcing me to come back full days - how does this work with chemo?  The doctor may write that I need half days the week after treatments.  I am assuming the school will force me to do full days if they are saying stamina and exhaustion are restrictions. I would love to think that they will provide an answer, but I have lost faith.

Until then, I cannot arrange my kids' busing and childcare because I do not have confirmation that the school will let me return to work.

Update:  The superintendent has approved my return on Monday.  She will alllow me to take half days due to chemo treatments - if needed.

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