Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Oncotype results are in...

Last Friday Dave called the lab in california.  They said they had sent the first oncotype result to my oncologist.  Friday was insanely busy as work and I never got a chance to call and ask.  I called Monday and they were closed, of course.  I called today and talked to the receptionist.  Yes, they had the oncotype results.  She put me on hold two times as I asked about picking up the report.  I could tell she didn't want to hand me over this report.  She tried to get me to make an appointment for Wednesday to hear about the results.  I couldn't, and Dave is out of town.  Finally she asked if she could call me back with an answer.  Eye roll.  Fine.

The office called and left me a message several hours later and I called back after work.  They have received ALL FIVE oncotype results!  That is excellent news because we didn't think we'd have them all prior to visiting Sloan Kettering on Thursday.  Even better, after I told her I couldn't come in for an appointment, she reviewed the results with me on the phone and told me I can swing by and pick up a copy Wednesday after work. Whew!

The results, as the doctor explained, were "interesting".  I'm not really sure that's a good thing to hear.  She expected all the tumors to have the exact same oncotype score.  That is why it is protocol with most insurance companies to only have one tested.  However, three of mine were the same and two were different.  Not expected.  I do not know what it means - good or bad.  I hope Sloan Kettering has some insight.  My oncotype scores were:  22, 22, 22, 17, 28.  They have to base treatment on the highest number.  The 17 falls in the "low" need for chemo.  The rest fall in the "intermediate" need for chemo.  The cut-off for "high" need for chemo is 30, so one of my scores is kind of high.  Knowing these numbers, her recommendation is exactly what she stated before:  Chemo for 3 months (every 3 weeks).   I would not need the port in my chest as these can be administered through my arm veins.  I would defintely lose my hair with this cocktail.

We are flying out to NYC Thursday morning at 5:40am.  Our appointment at Sloan is at 2:20pm.  I'm dropping the boys off at my brother and SIL's Wednesday night, and coming home on Saturday.  They are gun-shy about being away from us for 3 nights - as that is what they endured  so recently when I was in the hospital.  Feeling heavy guilt about that, but I know they have each other and will survive.  Bummed that this is also Evan's week home for spring break.  Feeling like mother of the year right here. :/ Hopefully this is a worthwhile trip.

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