Thursday, March 30, 2017

Holy hell!

Just when I thought it couldn't get worse.....

I got through today in a rough state.  I was having severe chest pain and some mild spine achiness.  Dave has been texting to go get an echo-cardiogram, but I chalked the chest pain up to heartburn.  On the drive home, my spine became more and more painful.  By the time I got home (without the kids, hoping to nap for an hour before picking them up) I was in defcon1 pain.  It felt like every single vertebrate in my back was broken.  I got on the couch and my body was actually convulsing in pain - shooting through my spine like electricity.  I knew that the neulasta injection on Friday would cause bone pain, but I hadn't had any until now.  I texted Dave to distract me from calling 911 for myself.  He researched and said that the pain was definitely from the Neulasta and that it was right on schedule - supposed to happen between days 5-7.  It is day 6.  Well, I'm not sure if I'm glad I didn't know this or not.  The answer is Aleve and lots of it.

I called our babysitter and asked if she could come over to take care of the boys for the evening.  I drove to daycare in agony to pick up the kids.  I also asked for the "permission to pick up" form at day care and added EVERY single person's name to it because if I have another day like today, I cannot do it!  If you are reading this, your name is probably on that list now. :)

After a couple of hours, the Aleve started to take hold.  I'm very, very sore, but functioning again.

Dude, this chemo stuff ain't for sissies!  I have a new respect for anyone who has been through it.

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